e-Waste at The Geek Boutique

We offer by far the cheapest way to dispose of e-waste on Waiheke Island. Items Accepted - charges are per item. We aim only to cover our costs of transporting the waste to be recycled properly in Auckland. Please bring to The Geek Boutique during store hours only. Some examples of what we take are:
Flat Screens TV (Must not be cracked) Up to 55" $10 More than 55" $15 Computer Towers $10 Laptops $10 Monitors $10 Printer $10 Computer Accessories, Modems etc $5 Cellphones and Tablets $5 Computer Parts and Accessories $5 Keyboards/Mice $5 Wiring and Electrical Cords $2 Back-up Battery Systems $10 Small Household Appliances $5